Ice climbing Canadian Rockies February 2008

In February 2008 I took leave without pay from my work and went ice climbing in the Canadian Rockies with various Danish and American partners. It was a fantastic month where I got stronger and stronger, and climbed harder and harder. Below you see a list of the routes I climbed in chronological order with links to my blog entries describing the climbs.

The Sorcerer, The Ghost

(210 m, IV, WI5)

Mix climbing in Grotto Canyon

(WI4-5, M6+)

Mix climbing in Haffner Creek

(WI4, M7)

New route "Lune", Evan-Thomas Creek

(WI5, M5)

Froggatt Edge
via feratta, Italian Dolomites
Luna or Cry of the Lion, Evan-Thomas Creek

Louise Falls, Lake Louise

(110 m, II, WI4-5)

Mix climbing at Bear Spirit

(WI4, M7+)

This House of Sky, The Ghost

(750 m, III, WI3-4)

Murchinson Falls, Icefields Parkway

(180 m, III, WI4+)

Pyramide du Tacul, Chamonix, France

Marion Falls, The Ghost

(100 m, III, WI5)

Caroline Falls, The Ghost

(50 m, III, WI5)

Moonlight & Snowline, Evan-Thomas Creek

(100 m, III, WI4)

Whiteman Falls & Red Man Soars

(95 m, IV, WI6) & (55 m, IV, 5.10, WI4+)

Marion Falls, The Ghost
Caroline Falls, The Ghost
Snowline and Moonlight, Evan-Thomas Creek
Whiteman Falls, Opal Creek

Anorexia Nervosa, The Ghost

(130 m, III, WI4 R)

Weithering Heights & New Route, The Ghost

(100 m, III, WI4) & (60 m, III, WI3-4 R)

Weeping Wall Right-Hand, Icefields Parkway

(180 m, III, WI5)

Curtain Call, Icefields Parkway

(125 m, IV, WI6)

rock climbing in Belgium
Weeping Wall, Icefields Parkway
Curtain Call, Icefields Parkway

Mix climbing, Rehab Wall, Evan-Thomas Creek

(M5, WI4)

Nemesis, Stanley Headwall

(160 m, V, WI6)


Rehab Wall, Evan-Thomas Creek
rock climbing in Belgium