Monday, September 10, 2007

My wife in TV: traffic air pollution increases cancer risk!

My wife Elvira Vaclavik Bräuner is a scientist studying the effects of air pollution on human health. I was actually a volunteer on one of her projects where I was locked in a chamber for four days so she could draw my blood, measure my lung function etc. while I was forced to bicycle for hours. Sounds like a perfect relationship right ;-)

Well, she just got the first part of her studies published in the reputed scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives which led to a press release from the Danish Cancer Society stating the main finding of her studies: air pollution from traffic increase the risk of cancer. This led to a media storm in Denmark today where she was live on the Danish CNN (a.k.a. TV2News) and then in a recorded interview in TV2 Lorry. The latter, which also included an interview with the Copenhagen Mayor of Technology and Enviroment Claus Bondam who now wants to reduce the traffic in the city, can be seen by clicking here (QuickTime or iTunes required).

Science can impact our world - let's bike to work tomorrow and reduce the air pollution!

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